Nicaragua: Al menos 11 muertos y 79 heridos en protestas del Día de la Madre

Anti-government protesters take part in a march in support of "the Mothers of April" movement - whose children died in the protests - on Nicaragua's National Mothers Day, in Managua on May 30, 2018. - At least 87 people have been killed and almost 900 wounded since protests began on April 18 against Ortega and his party, the Sandinista National Liberation Front. (Photo by DIANA ULLOA / AFP) (Photo credit should read DIANA ULLOA/AFP/Getty Images)

La Conferencia Episcopal anuncia que no reanudará el diálogo “mientras al pueblo de Nicaragua se le siga negando el derecho a manifestarse libremente y continúe siendo reprimido y asesinado”. Además, en las protestas del Día de la Madre hubo 11 muertos y 79 heridos, según el Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (CENIDH)

